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Travel 2.0 – with Guider

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Step-by-Step Navigation

With Guider’s GPS-based step-by-step navigation, you’ll explore the city stress-free and effortlessly. Never miss a highlight or hidden gem again – we guide you safely to every attraction.

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Over 175 Cities in One App

Discover over 175 fascinating cities around the world with Guider. Whether it’s San Francisco, New York, Paris, London, Istanbul, Seoul, Tokyo, or Sydney – explore hotspots on every continent. And the list keeps growing!

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Enjoy Guider completely free and ad-free. No annoying interruptions, just pure exploration joy.

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Exciting Insights & Insider Tips

Get exciting background information, historical facts, local legends, and insider tips for every attraction. Experience each city from a whole new perspective.

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Always Up-to-Date

Guider is continuously enriched with new tours and updated content. Stay up-to-date and never miss an exciting new discovery.

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Constantly new Features

Guider continually releases exciting new features that make traveling easier, more enjoyable, and stress-free.





1800+ km

Total Distance

New Destinations Await You

Destination of the month

Discover the Wonders of India

India – a land of contrasts, ready for your discovery. With its rich culture, stunning landmarks, and culinary diversity, it promises an authentic experience. Explore India off the beaten path with Guider. Be inspired by curated tours through the vibrant metropolises of Mumbai and Delhi. In Mumbai, the film capital, you’ll discover colorful markets, hidden temples, and culinary highlights. In the historic capital Delhi, a mix of grand monuments, palaces, and modern flair awaits you.

Guider top destination

Freedom, Adventure, USA

The USA – A Spectacular Contrast. Thriving metropolises like New York City and serene natural paradises lie side by side. With Guider, experience the diversity of this country from a whole new perspective. Local insiders lead you on curated tours through fascinating cities like Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. Be swept away by the energy and beauty of the USA. Guider turns your journey into an authentic adventure, where you discover the true essence of the United States.


Dive into the Land of the Pharaohs

Egypt – where ancient and modern worlds blend seamlessly. Mysterious pyramids, magnificent temples, and the mighty Nile reveal the fascinating history of this land. With Guider, experience Egypt off the beaten path. Local experts guide you through the vibrant metropolis of Cairo and the cosmopolitan city of Alexandria. Immerse yourself in millennia-old traditions, experience the bustling everyday life, and be enchanted by the unique blend of past and present. Guider transforms your journey into an unforgettable adventure in the world of the Pharaohs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Guider Free?

Yes, Guider is completely free and ad-free. You can enjoy all features at no extra cost.

Which devices can I use Guider on?

Currently, Guider is exclusive to iPhone and can be downloaded from the App Store. A minimum of iOS version 17 is required to use Guider. Versions for iPad and Android are already in the planning stages.

How many cities are available on Guider?

Guider currently offers tours for over 175 cities worldwide. New destinations are regularly added.

Which cities are currently available?

Guider currently offers tours for the following cities:

Cairo, Cape Town, Casablanca, Tunis

Abu Dhabi, Agra, Antalya, Baku, Bangkok, Delhi, Doha, Dubai, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Kuwait City, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, Osaka, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo

Aachen, Aix-En-Provence, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Augsburg, Barcelona, Berlin, Bologna, Bruges, Brussels, Catania, Cologne, The Hague, Dresden, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Florence, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Krakow, Leipzig, Liverpool, London, Lyon, Milan, Malaga, Marseille, Monaco, Munich, Nice, Oslo, Palma, Paris, Potsdam, Prague, Rome, Rotterdam, Salzburg, Santorini, Seville, Stockholm, Strasbourg, Stuttgart, Utrecht, Venice, Verona, Versailles, Vienna, Warsaw, Weimar, Zurich

North America:
Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, San Antonio, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Toronto, Washington D.C.

Auckland, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

South America:
Buenos Aires, Lima

Middle America:
Havana, Mexico City

In which languages are the tours available?

Currently, all tours are available in English, German & Spanish. Tours in additional languages will follow later in 2024.

Are the tours suitable for families with children?

Absolutely, Guider tours make exploring a shared experience for families and groups.

How often are new tours and content added?

Guider is continuously enriched with new cities, tours, and updated information, ensuring you always have access to the latest content.

Are tickets for attractions required on the tours?

No, Guider tours generally lead you to publicly accessible locations. For some attractions like museums, separate tickets may be required. Please check locally for more information.

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